====== Uninstalling StoreLocator ======
To disable the module it is enough to edit ''app/etc/modules/Unirgy_StoreLocator.xml'' and make sure
is changed to
Disabling from Admin System>Configuration>Advanced is not going to work.
If full removal is needed, then all extension's files should be removed.
These are:
* app/etc/modules/Unirgy_StoreLocator.xml
* app/code/community/Unirgy/StoreLocator/
* app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/ustorelocator.xml
* app/design/frontend/base/default/template/unirgy/storelocator/
* js/storelocator/
* app/locale/en_US/Unirgy_StoreLocator.csv
* skin/frontend/base/default/css/storelocator.css
If you want to remove all database traces of the module you should:
DROP TABLE `ustorelocator_location`;
DELETE FROM `core_resource` WHERE `code` LIKE 'ustorelocator_setup' LIMIT 1;
You may need to adjust above lines to account for table prefix.
Any traces of the module should be now removed, remember to flush cache and re run compilation if you use it.